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LibreOrganize 0.6.0 - Documentation

CIDU Legislative Victories!

Congratulations fellow Drivers! ​SB24-075 Enhancing Transparency in Transportation Network Companies (TNCs) has passed and is on the way to the Governor’s desk for signing! It now joins HB24-1129!

Rideshare and delivery companies such as Uber and Lyft will now be compelled to establish clear deactivation policies and procedures for drivers and disclose key information to both drivers and consumers. They must also provide transparency of payment details to drivers and customers, create clear deactivation policies, and prohibit punishment to drivers based on their acceptance or rejection of rides and deliveries.

The implementation dates of various pieces of this bill is not immediate and some of the provisions will not begin until 2025 and later 2025. 

Colorado Independent Drivers United would like to thank our many members who testified, advocated to, and pressured the Colorado legislature and the companies on behalf of this first-of-its-kind legislation—this is what collective action can achieve against big monied interests.

We’d also like to thank the bill’s sponsors Representative and CIDU Member Stephanie Vigil, Representative Javier Mabrey, and Senators Kevin Priola and Robert Rodriguez, for working tirelessly and in the face of great opposition to shepherd both SB75 and HB1129 to successfully passage—it’s heartening to have such staunch allies of the working class in congress.

​​And, finally, thank you to our coalition partners, too many to name here, who put their resources and reputations on the line for this—we have all just achieved some measure of fairness and protections for gig economy workers for the first time in history, and hopefully many other states and municipalities will follow suit!​​​

Join the Union

Help build driver POWER through the only driver organization in Colorado by joining the union and actively participating in the many events we are holding! Dues are $12.50/month part-time and $25/month full-time. Give yourself the gift of building POWER AND ORGANIZATION, join now at www.cidu-cwa7777.org.

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Author: Brian Winkler
Published on: 2024-05-13, 4:16 PM UTC