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CIDU February 2024 Newsletter

2 Bills have been introduced and now is the time to fight for our rights!

The legislative season has begun in Colorado and we have until May to fight for two amazing bills that have been introduced in regards to app-based driving. One bill focuses on rideshare, while the other focuses on delivery driving. Both bills also are focused on the need for transparency around all of our work! For example a passenger and driver both being able to see how much the company is charging and stealing from us. The bills also include provisions that protect us if we get kicked off the apps and left jobless by providing a framework for deactivation protections.

We are going to mobilize and rally at the capitol very soon for our bills! We need every driver to come down and send a message that we need these bills past and we won’t take no for an answer! Please sign-up for the rally here: https://cidu-cwa7777.solidarity.tech/rally-at-the-capitol. Be sure to copy and share the link to fellow drivers, we need a mass turnout if we are to win!

(Please see the attached fact sheet to learn more about our bills)

Denver City Councillor wants to help us improve the DEN Airport Commercial Lot

As many of you know who take passengers from the airport to their destination, the airport commercial lot has a lot that can be improved upon! CIDU has reached out to At-Large City Council member Sarah Parady to see how we can improve the commercial lot and she has agreed to meet with a union representative on Friday, February 9th. Please provide input to the below form, so your ideas can be heard: Input Form

Individual Assistance (UBER ONLY) Deactivation clinic coming up!

On Monday February 12th from 10am to 2pm, volunteer CIDU members will help those who have been deactivated on Uber potentially get back on the road. There is absolutely no guarantee we will be successful, which is why it is so important to pass our upcoming laws. But we will do the best we can!!! You must be a member to have this assistance but you can also join at the Union Hall and get assistance. You can also join the union now by going to cidu-cwa7777.org. YOU MUST REGISTER HERE if you would like assistance: https://cidu-cwa7777.solidarity.tech/deactivation-clinic-individual-assistance

Join the Union

Help build driver POWER through the only driver organization in Colorado by joining the union and actively participating in the many events we are holding! Dues are $12.50/month part-time and $25/month full-time. Give yourself the gift of building POWER AND ORGANIZATION, join now at 


Author: Brian Winkler
Published on: 2024-02-01, 6:17 PM UTC